About Us
Need someone to take the confusion out of Buying a 5th Wheeler?
We're here to help you! Our team are Specialists.
Our Mission
To make Luxurious Fifth Wheelers Affordable for Australian Travellers.
We do this by having a Store Front Online
Letting you Choose and Order your Dream Vehicle Online
Offering the Widest Choices to meet your Individual wants
Great Value prices gives you the Freedom to fit your own budget.
Our Vision
Is to provide Leisure Vehicles that deliver on the Australian Lifestyle promises of:
Enjoying the simple life, but in Style.
Taking the time to enjoy life.
Spending time with the people you love, and meeting new friends.
Doing things that will make you feel younger and live longer.
Traveling our Great Land - seeing and experiencing it's wonders.
Our History
With a long heritage of business experience, we offer you the expertise of years
of customer satisfaction. Many years ago we noticed how life was speeding by for all of us. We needed a way to slow it down.
Escaping in a 5th Wheel is one of the best ways to get back to basics. We all love the memories we had as children
camping by the beach or in the bush. We were in tents or Caravans and just enjoyed living. Having a desire to get back to
those memories, we started importing Fifth Wheelers for Australians.
We select only 5th Wheels that are worthy of our lifestyle and offer incredible choice where little exists.
David has over 30 years of business experience. Having traveled extensively in this country and overseas, he brings a wealth of experience when it comes to experiencing the Fifth Wheel lifestyle.
He is also the son of the famous Doug Thorley who invented RID Insect Repellent, and as such comes with years of customer satisfaction and sales. Rid was always marketed as a high quality product at a reasonable price. The same values are used in this business, making high quality vehicles available at reasonable prices.
As a team we have always focused on what the customer wants. Always erring on the side of giving more than people expect, we offer quality products at reasonable prices.
Located on the Sunny Gold Coast our office in Burleigh Heads in the centre of the Gold Coast - exit 89 off the M1. It is the meeting place for our internet based clients.
Address: 339 Reedy Creek Road, Burleigh Heads Q 4220
Postal: PO Box 400 Currumbin Q 4223
Phone: 07 5608-9710
Fax: 07 5576-5521
We are Open from 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday and can be contacted on 1300 789-604 for the cost of a local call.
Our Fifth Wheelers are converted and given the "Spectrum Advantage" at our Burleigh Heads showroom where you can come and browse.
We are also available on Sundays by appointment only.
You can also fill out the Contact Us form and we will contact you!
You can also check out our Links Page for industry related sites.